-To win you must name as many of the Conan O'Brien sketch characters in the illustration as possible, and be among the first to do so. Keep in mind, some of the items can be named by a reference or sketch name, in addition to the character's name. The more specific you are the better chance you have of getting it 100% correct (or MORE correct than another person). For example, #15 is just a common character (Santa Claus), but #10 is a character with a part inside of a common sketch. Confused? Great.
-SIMPLIFY YOUR ANSWERS PLEASE, no running sentences.
-Email your 32 numbered answers to: josh@josholland.com
-SUBJECT LINE MUST READ "I HEART CONAN" or it will be disregarded
-ONE ENTRY per person. No changing answers later.
That's it! I don't know what to expect just yet, maybe a lot of people will get them all right, maybe nobody will. I'm playing it by ear, but the grand prize will a large print of the Conan piece, and a custom sketch of your choosing. The winner and some runner up prizes will be announced when the finished illustration goes up this weekend. Good luck!